Drilling Tools International offers a variety of downhole filters designed to prevent equipment from getting clogged with unwanted debris.
Drilling Tools' patent-pending Diffuser Blade Technology meets the challenge of diffusing aggregations of lost circulation materials (LCM) during the drilling process, protecting the MWD from damage or failure during the process, and reducing the expenditure of costly LCM and mud. Designed to stay in the drill string on every run, the external and internal DSAs place blades/cutters into the fluid path. They process high-flow rates and heavy concentrations of LCM while effectively filtering the drilling mud, enabling accurate mud pulse telemetry communications, and reducing the risk of failing MWD/LWD/RSS components.
Drilling Tools stocks retrievable and non-retrievable drill pipe mud diffusers manufactured from both steel and stainless steel. These high-quality mud diffusers are available in 24" and 36" lengths with additional lengths available upon request. This item is recommended in conjunction with our patent pending downhole Diffuser Sub Assembly.
Drilling Tools stocks rod-type, slotted-type, perforated-type retrievable and non-retrievable drill pipe mud screens manufactured from both steel and stainless steel. These high-quality mud screens are available in both 24" and 36" lengths with additional lengths available upon request.
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